  • ONE way land transfer and return(SIC basis) – Tawau Airport/Hotel In Tawau to KAPALAI private jetty at Semporna – 80 minutes 
  • ONE way boat transfer and return(SIC basis) – KAPALAI private jetty at Semporna to KAPALAI Resort – 45 minutes 
  • Accommodation at Sipadan-KAPALAI Dive Resort 
  • Fresh ​Buffet Meals​ – breakfast/lunch/dinner throughout the stay 
  • Afternoon snacks – served at the restaurant daily 
  • Tea/Coffee, cold water and cordial – served throughout the day at the restaurant daily 
  • Snorkel around the resort – from KAPALAI Dive Centre only 

Vietnam Danang 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + Bana Hill + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2199/ Pax (Minimum 7 pax)

第一天:吉隆坡/岘港-顺化 (晚餐) 集合与吉隆坡国际机场乘搭国际航班前往岘港。抵达后, 乘车往顺华古都,沿途经过陵古钓鱼村享用晚 餐。再入住顺化酒店休息。

第二天:顺化古都-会安古城 (早,午,晚餐) 天姆寺(含船游)/皇家宫殿/旗帜塔/午门/九功臣像/启定皇帝陵墓/会安古城/福建会馆/日本桥/会安古街
天姆寺 - 始建于 1601 年,是第一位在顺化建都的阮氏皇帝所建。跟泰国的寺庙对比,相对逊色色,也没有 中国寺庙的古朴,但是却保留着一种静谧的古风。里面有许多很有年代感的碑林,还有许多文物,记录了这 座古寺的历史变迁,可以帮助大家了解一下佛教在越南的传播过程。
皇家宫殿 - 在越南顺化有一座和北京故宫极为相似的一座建筑,被越南人称作民族骄傲的―顺化皇城‖。顺化 皇城建于 1802 年,是统一后的越南的首都。香河蜿蜒流经都城、皇城、紫禁城和内城,给这座独特的封建 城市增添了自然美。会安古城 - 是 15 世纪到 19 世纪东南亚保存完好的传统贸易港,其建筑和街道样式,受 到土洋结合风格的影响,这种风格也体现在整个遗址的建筑中。古代会安港的发展经历了形成-发展-全盛 -衰落等四个阶段。其中,发展与全盛阶段是会安港最为灿烂辉煌的时期。

第三天:会安-迦南岛-岘港(早,午,晚餐) 迦南岛椰子村(含船游)/竹篮船/五行山/山水石雕村/山茶半岛/灵应寺庙/美溪海滩
迦南岛椰子村 - 迦南岛是一处看似从未受到外界开发所打扰的宁静村落。以竹、椰叶制作、架高于河面之上 的草屋,颇有一番水乡泽国风情。

山茶半岛 - 这里曾是越南战争时期重要的雷达及通讯基地,如今保存了大面积的原生森林,景色宜人。千年 岁的榕树从灵应寺庙往山茶半岛北方可以看到千年岁的榕树。
灵应寺庙 - 灵应寺位于岘港的山茶半岛上,地理位置优越,不管从寺庙哪个角度眺望,都可以眺望到大海。 灵应寺中供奉的是东南亚较高的白玉观世音菩萨像。寺庙的两旁都是以大理石做成的姿态各异的罗汉摆设。 美溪海滩 - 长达 900 米的沙滩柔软洁白细腻,是一处公共海滩。被福布斯杂志评为世界六大最美丽的海滩,


第四天:岘港-巴拿山(早,午,晚餐) 巴拿山(含来回缆车)/法国村/峰山/山洞酒窖/欧式花园/望月别墅/灵应寺/释迦牟尼佛纪念碑/佛手桥/寒市场/龙桥 / 寒江桥/情人桥/眺望摩天轮
巴拿山 - 岘港巴拿山是越南三大避暑胜地之一,也是岘港之行必到的打卡之处,一百多年前法国人发现这 里,在山上建了许多度假别墅,在那个没有空调的年代,巴拿山常年凉爽宜人的气候是许多法国贵族的避 暑度假地。
佛手桥 - 一同探索这片远离都会尘嚣的世外桃源,展开有趣的旅程!首先我们将登上视野辽阔,长 150 公 尺的黄金桥,这座独特的大桥底部以大理石制成的佛祖之手支撑, 宛若将这座高 1,414 公尺的神圣大桥献给 上天,蔚为壮观。 龙桥 - 这座世界上最大的龙形大桥气势宏伟,俨然成为岘港的标志性景观之一,尤其是 晚上桥身在灯光渲染下变换着各种色彩,十分亮丽。 *结束了一天的行程后,不妨能自己搭车去岘港的赌场(Crowne International Club) 试试手气。(自由选择)

第五天:岘港-出境(早餐) 早餐后,前往岘港机场,返回美丽家园。最精彩之旅。

Tour Price Included :

Hotel in twin/triple sharing room basis with daily breakfast
Transfer by air-conditioned vehicle as itinerary
7 Meals as indicated (set menu based on menu 7usd/pax, upgraded 1 buffet meal in Bana Hills)

English or Mandarin speaking guide
Complimentary mineral water on tour
Entrance fees for sightseeing, boat trips as mentioned

Tour prices exclude:

 Tippings, personal Expenses & other item not mentioned above Tour prices exclude:

  •   Travel Insurance
  •   Personal expenses
  •   Compulsory Tipping 3usd/pax/day (16pax up)
  •   Others not mentioned nor specified aboveNotice:
  •   The above rates are applicable to Leisure guests only. For MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Exhibition) guests, quotation will be made upon request.Policy for children:
  •   Child under 6 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: Free of charge.(No meal provided)
  •   Child from 6 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: 50% of charge
  •   Child from 6 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults with extra bed: 75% of charge
  •   Child under 12 years old sharing room with one (1) adult: 100% of charge
  •   Child from 12 years old and above: 100% of charge

Vietnam Hanoi + Fansipan Sapa 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2499/ Pax (Minimum 7 pax)

第1天 吉隆坡 河内 机上用餐/午/晚 4*孟清河内中心酒店或同级

河内大剧院 / 河内36古街 / 越南水上木偶戏
河内大剧院 - 坐落在河内市中心的河内大剧院不仅是一座美丽的 法式建筑,也是著名的景点,曾见证了越南多项重大事件。 河 内36古街 - 这里是越南最热门的商业街,街道错综复杂,每条街 的东西都是“各司其职”,基本只卖同一行业品种的商品,比如 鞋商街、帽商街、银商街、皮革街、炊具街等等。


4*Muong Thanh Center Hotel or similar French Opera House / Old Quarter 36 Street / Water Puppet Show

French Opera House - Located in the center of Hanoi, Hanoi Opera House is not only a beautiful French building, but also a famous attraction in Vietnam.

Old Quater 36 Street - This is the most popular commercial street in Vietnam. The streets are intricate and the things on each street are "performing their own duties".

DAY 2 HANOI - SAPA B/L/D 4*Amazing Hotel or similar

Cat Cat Village / Shin Chai Village / Cat Cat Waterfall

Cat Cat Village - Is located in a valley not far from Sapa Town, where the original preserved Black Miao Village and far awayfrom the hustle and bustle of the city, and very quiet.

Shin Chai Village - Admire the natural landscape of Sapa at the terraced fields of Shin Chai Village. Admire the natural wonders that create the cascading hills.

第2天 河内-沙坝

早/午/晚 4*萨帕奇妙酒店或同级

沙坝猫猫村 / Shin Chai Village / 沙坝猫猫瀑布
沙坝猫猫村 - 猫猫村位于距离沙巴镇不远的山谷中,这里保存了 原生态的高山黑苗族村落,远离了城市的喧嚣,很宁静。
Shin Chai Village - 在Shin Chai村的梯田欣赏沙坝的自然景观。欣赏 创造层叠山丘的自然奇观,并在享受该地区的美景。

第3天 沙坝-番西邦-沙坝 早/午/晚 4*萨帕奇妙酒店或同级

番西邦风景区 (大佛像/观音像/含登山缆车到番西邦山顶)/ 涵 龙山 / Lao Chai & Ta Van Village
番西邦风景区 - 最高峰海拔3143米,为黄连山脉主峰。山顶昼 夜温差极大,冬季夜晚气温降至0°C以下,会有降雪。 涵龙山 - 山上终年被绿色植被覆盖并精心培育着多种五彩缤纷 的花卉,还有充满趣味的人工景观和民俗表演等。


SAPA - FANSIPAN - SAPA B/L/D 4*Amazing Hotel or similar

Fansipan Scenic Area ( Buddha Statue/ Guanyin Statue / inc cable car to the top of Fansipan) / Ham Rong Mt / Lao Chai & Ta Van Village

Fansipan Scenic Area - The highest peak is 3143 meters above sea level, which is the main peak of Huanglian Mountains. In winter, temperature around 0°C at night, and will be snowfall.

Ham Rong Mt - The mountain is covered with green vegetation all year round, variety of colorful flowers and interesting artificial landscapes and folk performances.

第4天 沙坝-河内

早/午/晚 4*孟清河内中心酒店或同级

DAY 4 SAPA-HANOI B/L/D 4*Muong Thanh Center Hotel or similar

云龙玻璃桥 / 云龙玻璃栈道 / 巴亭广场 / 胡志明陵墓 / 独柱寺
/ 文庙 / 越南民族学博物馆 / 河内西湖
云龙玻璃桥 - 云龙玻璃桥从山崖向外延伸60 米,人行道宽5 米 ;桥的面板厚度为7 厘米,是用特殊树脂将3 层平板玻璃。 胡志明陵墓 - 胡志明陵位于河内的天安门广场主体位置,胡志明 在这里宣读了“独立宣言”,建立了越南民主共和国。 河内西湖 - 西湖面积500多公顷,是河内最大的湖泊。

第5天 河内 吉隆坡 早/机上用餐 早餐后,自由活动后前往国际机场,返回美丽家园,谢谢您!

Yun Long Glass Bridge / Yun Long Glass Road / Ho Chi Minh Mauso- leum / One Pillar Pagoda / Temple of Literature / Vietnam Museum of Ethnology / Hanoi West Lake

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum - Is located in the main location of Tiananmen Square in Hanoi" .

Yun Long Glass Bridge - The Yunlong Glass Bridge extends 60meters from the cliff, and the sidewalk is 5 meters wide.

Hanoi West Lake - The West Lake covers an area of 500 hectares and is the largest lake in Hanoi.

DAY 5 HANOI KUALA LUMPUR B/MOB After breakfast, Return to the beautiful home, Thank You!

Tour prices include:

  •   Hotel in twin/triple sharing room basis with daily breakfast
  •   Transfer by air-conditioned vehicle as itinerary
  •   8 Meals as indicated (set menu based on menu 7usd/pax, offer 1 buffet meal)
  •   English or Mandarin speaking guide
  •   Complimentary mineral water on tour
  •   Entrance fees for sightseeing, boat trips as mentioned Tour prices exclude:

 Tippings, personal Expenses & other item not mentioned above Tour prices exclude:

  •   Travel Insurance
  •   Personal expenses
  •   Compulsory Tipping 3usd/pax/day (16pax up)
  •   Others not mentioned nor specified above

Vietnam Nha Trang Dalat 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2199 / Pax (Minimum 7 pax)


入境-芽庄-大叻 "乘坐飞机前往芽庄,
布。四季花卉,气候终年凉爽宜人,被视为永远春天的城市(车程3个半小时). 抵达大叻入住酒店。晚餐后参观大勒市集。"

第二天 大叻

早餐后,参观大教堂,疯狂房子,保大皇避暑行宫,竹林禅院及天国湖(用车) 大叻火車站, 大乐花园。黄昏时漫步于春香湖,或在湖畔的露天咖啡室品尝一杯越式浓郁咖啡(客人自理),远眺湖水平静,绿草如茵,湖旁的矮山,别墅和松林倒映在平静无波的湖面上,构成一幅美的图画晚上参观大勒市集。午餐后前往愛開始的地方 –游 Ho Vo Cuc粘土隧道旅游区,之后返回市区,前往GO – BIG C 超市。

第三天 大叻-芽庄

早餐后,参DATANLA瀑布(含滑道车往返门票): DATANLA位于越南大叻市,从市区骑机车大概只需20分钟,这里除了有美丽的瀑布跟花园以外,还有全亚洲最长的自由落体过山车喔!午餐后返回芽庄(车程3个半小时). 晚餐后返回酒店,客人自由参观芽庄夜市。

第四天 芽庄

早餐后乘坐缆车赴【水上迪斯尼—Hòn Tre珍珠岛 Vinpearl Vinwonders】游,午餐于岛上,下午返回市区游览【芽庄大教堂】【占婆塔】,【五指岩】,【龙山寺】 (Long Son Pogoda) 建于19世纪后期,其后历经修缮,现在还是有很多僧侣在这里修行。龙山寺的吸引人之处在于其后山的白色大佛。在芽庄市区任何地方都能看见这座巨大的白色大佛,安坐于莲花之上,俯视众生的欢乐与烦扰。如果选择从侧边的小路下山,还可以看见另一尊白色的卧佛。晚餐后前往芽庄BIG-C自由购买礼物送给亲戚朋友。

第五天 "芽庄-出境

" 早餐后参观芽庄海滩,自由拍照 芽庄海滩-长达6公里的金黄色沙滩沙粒幼细,背山面海,与其他岛屿也很相近,是喜爱水上运动、阳光与海鲜人士的理想旅游目的地。之后成河前往芽庄机场,乘飞机返回,结束愉快的旅程!

Tour prices include: 

  • Hotel in twin/triple sharing room basis with daily breakfast
  • Transfer by air-conditioned vehicle as itinerary
  • 8 Meals as indicated ( normal set menu based on menu 8usd/pax included)
  • English or Mandarin speaking guide
  • Complimentary Mineral Water on tour (01 bottle / pax / day)
  • Entrance fees for sightseeing

Tour prices exclude:

  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal expenses
  • Compulsory Tipping 3usd/pax/day (16pax up), 5usd/pax/day (10-15pax), 8usd/pax/day (6-9pax)
  • Others not mentioned nor specified above

Policy for children:

  • Child under 3 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: Free of charge.(No meal provided)
  • Child from 3 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: 50% of charge
  • Child from 3 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults with extra bed: 100% of charge
  • Child from 12 years old and above: 100% of charge

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2099 / Pax (Minimum 7 pax)

第一天 : 入境 胡志明市- Arrival Ho Chi Minh city D


第二天 : 胡志明市 - 头顿   Ho Chi Minh – Vung Tau (B, L, D)                                                                                  

早餐后,参观战争证迹博物馆,内中陈列越战时期,以及美军武器的残酷行为,继续参观法国殖民时期所建,为越南最古老之罗马哥德式建筑物百年大教堂,全馆以红砖建筑,内饰雕花玻璃,庄严美丽.续参观市政古老邮局,其建筑艺术亦让人称赞.游览堤岸华人区,参观华人信仰中心--天后宫, 午餐后,前往胡志明市南方海湾特区头顿,在此有越南芭达蕥美称的秀丽海滩,也可自费享受头顿有名MASSAGE.

第三天 : 头顿海滩 - 胡志明市 Vung Tau – Ho Chi Minh (B, L, D)                                                                                  

早餐后,参观耶稣山是东南亚最大的耶苏像,当地渔民敬奉,视为海上救星信仰中心--鲸鱼庙,越南末代皇帝保大皇避暑别墅--白宫,也可随意游泳戏水,漫游碧天绿水海滩,午餐后,返回胡志明市. 继续参观法式建筑物--百年歌剧院,南越政权的象征--市政厅. 

第四天 : 胡志明市 - 美拖 - 胡志明市   Ho Chi Minh – My Tho (B, L, D)                                                                                  

早餐后, 前往位于湄公河三角洲乡野水庄--美拖 ,并抵码头搭乘观光游船,欣赏东南亚唯一的长河--湄公河. 此段河宽三公里,参观 "泰山岛" 游玩岛上遍植越南热带水果,特招待享用新鲜水果大餐,可以在此划小木舟, 参观椰子糖厂, 养蜜蜂场,成衣与手工艺展示场.午餐后,续参观永长寺.返回胡志明市,参观越南有名磨漆工厂. 晚餐于西贡河船上用餐,欣赏歌舞表演.

第五天 : 胡志明 - 出境 Ho Chi Minh – Departure (B)                                                                                                                                      



*包含 : 酒店(两人一房), 7正餐(7USD餐标, 升级一餐特色菜),景点门票,中文优秀导游,空调车,美拖船资,西贡河游船餐厅欣赏歌舞表演,越南风味餐,美拖水果餐,美拖特产象鱼,头顿海鲜餐,(根据行程內),

*不含 : 导游与司机小费USD3//,酒水,洗衣费,饮料费,行李超重费,娱乐费,电话费,服务生小费,签证费,旅游保险费,个人消费,等等.

*备注 :

  • 小孩12岁以上或12岁以下有占床团费照成人算.
  • 小孩12岁以下, 不占床团费以七折计算.
  • 假日价格另另补15%团费.

Vietnam Phu Quoc 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2499 / Pax (Minimum 7 pax)

第一天:KUL ✈富国岛

乘机飞往越南海边度假胜越南第一大岛屿--【富国岛】。抵达后享用晚餐并入住酒店休息。【 Dinh Cau妈祖庙】(也称为龙王庙)建于1937年,往西部距阳东镇200米。这里放置玉娘娘,公主和两个男孩(Hai Cau)圣像庙,以保护岛上水域的渔民。

第二天:珍珠游乐园VINPEARL VINPEARL-野生动物园富国岛夜市

【珍珠游乐园VINPEARL 】–新名字叫VINWONDERS,乘车前往珍珠渡假村游乐场,尽情享受里面的所有水陆游戏设施: 岛上分【室外游乐区】:有云霄飞车, 巨型摩天轮, UFO飞盘, 高空旋转, 翻天飞鹰, 碰碰车,。。。等各种精彩刺激的游戏,【室内游乐区】:5D电影院,合式各样的大型电玩。【水上世界公园】:大型的室外游泳池,多种水上游戏高空快速滑水道,懒人池,海浪池…还有一个大型媲美新加坡圣掏沙的【海底世界】,观赏各种热带鱼,鲨鱼,越南第一次出现的企鹅, 海龟环绕其中仿佛置身海底世界。以上设施均含在费用中,晚上更有大型户外音乐喷泉水幕电影表演,您可在岛上从早一直玩到晚,乐此不彼……。
【SAFARI WORLD野生动物园】 富国岛野生动物园是越南最大的野生保护动物园,动物园内生活着约3,000只动物,其中包括来自世界各地的150种珍稀动物。富国岛野生动物园不仅仅是观赏性动物园,还具备保护和繁育濒危野生动物的科研教育功能,非常适合带孩子前来,寓教于乐让孩子了解如何保护动物!

第三天:护国寺-花泉-花泉 - 鱼露工厂 - Grand World大世界

【护国寺】:护国寺命名为护国禅院竹林。护国寺建于一个非常美丽的位置背靠山,面向茫茫大海,这个位置被认为是非常显著并很独特,根据李朝与陈朝建筑风格的架构。进寺之前,你会发现有三个门(大门就是地觉门,左侧门俯瞰出来是第二个门叫BAT NHI 门,右门是解脱门),走过大门你会看到大院里推进到大雄宝殿,游客必须经过约70 楼梯然后向进入大殿。旅游者看到两个塔,一塔的左侧,从外面看到一个非常大的空塔包含一个大铜钟了。大雄宝殿看起来像大叻的禅院竹林,古建筑风格,但有亲近感,寺庙是用非常珍贵的木质建成。后面的寺庙是启动子序列,寺庙建项目创造美丽的风景。寺不仅为当地居民的精神生活而服务,也是旅游目的地,吸引更多游客来富国岛,有助于富国旅游业的发展。
【花泉瀑布 SUOI TRANH 】是一处热带雨林溪瀑群。慢慢的溯溪而上,清新的负离子扑鼻而来,沁人心脾。丰富的热带雨林品种、奇形怪状的岩石、以及从岩石上潺潺流淌的溪水所形成的美景、偶尔的深潭,都会让游客流连忘返。许多越南本地人,携亲约朋,就是在水边某处岩石旁围笼一起坐着,光着背,享受着休闲的度假生活。
【Grand World大世界】富国岛大世界商业街 - 《越南的精髓》表演秀 以泰迪熊游记为主题的泰迪熊博物馆拥有独特的甜甜圈形建筑结构,是越南首家集购物、娱乐、餐饮于一体的零售娱乐综合体。之后参观越南典型文化符号的巧妙组合:荷花——越南的国花; 东山铜鼓——越南古代文化瑰宝; 竹子——浓重的越南文化色彩,清高,简单,有志气,如同越南人一样。拍照与收集隐藏在大自然中的独特艺术作品。晚餐后欣赏河上的光明舞曲,洋溢着浓郁的欧式狂欢气氛, 8:30PM再看越南最大的多媒体实景表演。

第四天: Hon Thom Nature Park菠羅島自然公園 星星海滩 涵宁渔村

酒店享用自助早餐,前往 Sun World Hon Thom Nature Park太陽世界菠羅島自然公園–星星海滩
早餐後前往參觀【太陽世界菠羅島公園】,今天乘坐纜車全長 7.899米 是世界最長的纜車系統,纜車很宽敞很平稳很舒服可以坐30人。沿途景色美麗,可以看到富国岛南端的港口,這是自然原始島嶼 ,下了缆车有电瓶車送客人到海边,岛上暂时只开放了沙滩,沙滩干净, 可以盡情沙灘游泳,其他还在建设中。在未來期間菠羅島自然公園其他項目將陸續投入活動,隨後乘坐缆车回来 。



Tour prices include:
Hotel in twin/triple sharing room basis with daily breakfast
Transfer by air-conditioned vehicle as itinerary
7 Meals as indicated ( normal set menu based on menu 7usd/pax included, included 1 buffet meal)
English or Mandarin speaking guide
Complimentary Mineral Water on tour (01 bottle / pax / day)
Entrance fees for sightseeing
Tour prices exclude:
Travel Insurance
Personal expenses
Compulsory Tipping 3usd/pax/day (16pax up)
Others not mentioned nor specified above

Policy for children:
Child under 3 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: Free of charge.(No meal provided)
Child from 3 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults without extra bed: 50% of charge
Child from 3 - under 12 years old sharing room with two (2) adults with extra bed: 100% of charge
Child from 12 years old and above: 100% of charge


Annapurna Base Camp Trek 10 days Deluxe Plan

Annapurna Base Camp (also known as Annapurna Sanctuary or ABC) a snowy valley is another one of Nepal’s scenic and adventurous trekking routes. It is a deep glacier, which gives the effect of an Amphitheatre surrounded by a ring of impressive high peaks including: Hiun Chuli, Annapurna South, Annapurna l, Ganggapurna, Annapurna III and Machhapuchhre. The trail to this awe-inspiring scene ascends the Annapurna foothills through forested hillsides, where we are given a taste of Nepal’s magical and majestic vistas with a spectacular sunrise over the Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri at Poon Hill. It continues through scattered Gurung settlements, cross terraced fields and abundant forests before climbing gradually into a world of ice and snow at Base Camp, the ‘Sanctuary of the Gods’’. Returning to Pokhara by a different route this trek offers truly fascinating scenery, with a combination of picturesque rice-fields, villages and a panorama of high peaks.


Day 01: Arrival, hotel transfer & welcome dinner O/N hotel (D)

Arrive Kathmandu airport (1345m.), receive and welcome with flower garlands and transfer to hotel. Their after generally we discuss about the things need to do and late afternoon we settle the remaining preparation of the trekking and shopping. Then if there is little time left we may go for a short walk around, if not we go for dinner.

Day 02: After breakfast fly to Pokhara 25 minute and drive to Saulibazar via Nayapul by private Car / Van, then trek to Ghandruk (1940m.) 4 hours. O/N lodge (B)

Lunch can be taken in Lakeside Pokhara or Nayapul depends on the flight and the weather condition. Today we cross some of small streams and a river through many small villages. There is check point of Annapurna Conservation Area Project which check all the necessary permits for trekking.   

Day 03: Ghandruk to Sinuwa (2360m.) 5.30 hours O/N lodge

At this juncture, we climb up for around an hour up to Kimrungdanda. On the way, we can enjoy great views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Fishtail Mountain (Machhapuchhre) and Ganggapurna. Next, it’s a steep descent takes us to the Kimrong Khola. After another steep ascent from Kimrong Khola to Chere Danda, we descend for a while then it’s a gentle walk to Chhomrong.  Chhomrong is a beautiful village located on the lap of the giant Annapurna massive. The trail out of Chhomrong descends via 2500 stone steps and crosses the Chhomrong  Khola on a swaying suspension bridge. It is an uphill climb to Sinuwa.

Day 04: Sinuwa to Deurali (3230m.)  4.00 hours  O/N lodge

We pass through the Kuldhigar and then to bamboo forest which is damp and cold then ascend steadily with fewer steep sections. It is only after reaching Himalaya Hotel that the forest opens up and we are out in the sun again with astounding views of the glacial river below. It is a steep climb up through a much drier forest before reaching Hinku Cave. From here we can see the trail drop closer to the river before climbing again to Deurali, the most scenic stretch of the day. The vegetation is sparser, allowing magical views of the valley, the river below, and the sheer rock face cliffs above with bands of wispy waterfalls.

Day 05: Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m.) via Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3700m. 6.00 hours O/N lodge

Climb gently through a river bed then over a steep trail over to the mountain side. The hike from Bagar to Machhapuchhre Base Camp is somewhat strenuous. From Machhapuchhre base camp we get excellent views of the majestic Machhapuchhre along with Mt. Hiunchuli, Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Annapurna III, Gandharvachuli and Gangapurna which is certainly a rewarding experience. The vegetation disappears on our way to ABC and the path widens as we enter the Annapurna sanctuary. From here, we get sensational views of the near-vertical south face of Annapurna towering above us. The sanctuary boasts of a dynamic view without anything impeding the 360-degree panorama. From the base camp we again get to savor mesmerizing views of the Machhapuchhre, Annapurna south, Annapurna I, Hiunchuli and other peaks.

Day 06: Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo 7.00 hours O/N lodge

From the Annapurna base camp we retrace our steps to Bamboo. Today’s trek is downhill so it shouldn’t be very difficult. Besides, we will always have the company of the extraordinary landscape to cheer us up.

Day 07: Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (1760m.) 5.30 hours O/N lodge

From Bamboo, it is an uphill trek to Kuldighar followed by a downhill walk to Chhomrong Khola. Then we climb the stone steps to Chhomrong. The trail then descends to Jhinu Danda, where we will be resting for the night. Today we will have an opportunity to enjoy hot springs just 15-20 minute downhill walk from Jhinu Danda to soothe our aching body.

Day 08: Trek to Naya Pul then drive to Pokhara 6 hours trek, 1 hour drive O/N hotel

On our way to NayaPul from JhinuDanda we get to enjoy the amazing hill landscape of western Nepal. We have lunch on the way. Our trek will end at NayaPul in general then drive to Pokhara. After hotel check in free and easy for shopping and any personal matters. Evening farewell dinner.

*We may take any type of transportation to NayaPul if avaiable.

Day 09: After breakfast fly to Kathmandu & free and easy evening farewell dinner O/N hotel (B D)

Day 10: After breakfast officially conclude the trip with the certificate and afternoon individual activities & transfer to airport for final departure (B)

Cost include:

#  All transport as per programs by  private drive or flight 
#  Lodge accommodation in trekking twin sharing

#  Hotel in Kathmandu & Pokhara with breakfast twin sharing
#  Welcome and farewell dinner with  beer or glass of wine

# 3 meals in trekking (B, L & D) with cup of tea/coffee

#  Drinking hot water
#  Guide, porters (Luggage mix. 13 kg per person 1 porter share by 2 person)
#  Sleeping bag, and luggage bag  (Return after the trip)

# Company T-shirts on the arrival day

# Certificate after trip complete & shawl or Nepali cap as a memory
# Conservation fee & Tims card fee
#  All local permit, tax and VAT
#  Staffs meals, lodge, equipment, insurance, Salary etc.
#  First aid service
#  Any other travel assistance

Cost exclude:

# International flight & visa fee

# Travel Insurance

#  Dinner day 11 & Lunch day 12
#  Any personal items
#  Hot shower in trekking
#  Tips
#  In case of rescue charge 

Both way domestic flight / 3/4 stars


Annapurna Base Camp Trek 13 days Deluxe Plan

Annapurna Base Camp (also known as Annapurna Sanctuary or ABC) a snowy valley is another one of Nepal’s scenic and adventurous trekking routes. It is a deep glacier, which gives the effect of an amphitheatre surrounded by a ring of impressive high peaks including: HiunChuli, Annapurna South, Annapurna l, Ganggapurna, Annapurna III and Machhapuchhre. The trail to this awe-inspiring scene ascends the Annapurna foothills through forested hillsides, where we are given a taste of Nepal’s magical and majestic vistas with a spectacular sunrise over the Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri at Poon Hill. It continues through scattered Gurung settlements, cross terraced fields and abundant forests before climbing gradually into a world of ice and snow at Base Camp, the ‘Sanctuary of the Gods’’. Returning to Pokhara by a different route this trek offers truly fascinating scenery, with a combination of picturesque rice-fields, villages and a panorama of high peaks.


Day 01: Arrival, hotel transfer & welcome dinner O/N hotel (D)

Arrive Kathmandu airport (1350m.), receive and welcome with flower garlands and transfer to hotel. Their after generally we discuss about the things need to do and late afternoon we settle the remaining preparation of the trekking and shopping. Then if there is little time left we may go for a short walk around, if not we go for dinner.

Day 02: After breakfast drive (appx 5 hrs.) or fly to Pokhara 25 minute and drive to Nayapul by private Car / Van, then trek to Tikhedhunga (1480m.) 4 hours. O/N lodge (B)

Lunch can be taken in Lakeside Pokhara or Nayapul depends on the flight and the weather condition. Today we cross some of small streams and a river through many small villages. There is check point of Annapurna Conservation Area Project which check all the necessary permits for trekking.

Day 03:  Trek to Ghorepani (2860m.) 6 hours. O/N lodge

As always start after breakfast. Today the beginning of walking is bit hard with the up step of Ulleri village from where we can see a little peak of Snowy Mountain for the first time. After Ulleri it is comperatively easy walk through some forest today as well as small streams.

Day 04: Trek to Tadapani (2630m.) total walk 6.30 hours O/N lodge

We will get up early morning today and go for hiking to Poon Hill about an hour. As it is a best view point in the reason, we can see fantastic view of sunrise, and panoramic view of Himalayas, including Mt. Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, Fishtail and others. Then, we will come back to Ghorepani, have a hot breakfast, and continue walking to Tadapani 2630m. We can see very close view of Mt. Fishtail from here.

Day 05: Tadapani to Chhomrong (2170m.) 5.30 hours O/N lodge

At this juncture, we climb up for around an hour up to Kimrungdanda. On the way, we can enjoy great views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Fishtail Mountain (Machhapuchhre) and Ganggapurna. Next, it’s a steep descent takes us to the KimrongKhola. After another steep ascent from KimrongKhola to ChereDanda, we descend for a while then it’s a gentle walk to Chhomrong.  Chhomrong is a beautiful village located on the lap of the giant Annapurna massive.

Day 06: Chhomrong to Bamboo (2310m.) 5.00 hours O/N lodge

The trail out of Chhomrong descends via 2500 stone steps and crosses the ChhomrongKhola on a swaying suspension bridge. It is an uphill climb to Sinuwa. Next, we pass through a beautiful forest to Kuldihar followed by an easy downhill walk to Bamboo.

Day 07: Bamboo to Deurali (3230m.)  4.00 hours O/N lodge

We pass through the bamboo forest which is damp and cold then ascend steadily with fewer steep sections. It is only after reaching Himalaya Hotel that the forest opens up and we are out in the sun again with astounding views of the glacial river below. It is a steep climb up through a much drier forest before reaching Hinku Cave. From here we can see the trail drop closer to the river before climbing again to Deurali, the most scenic stretch of the day. The vegetation is sparser, allowing magical views of the valley, the river below, and the sheer rock face cliffs above with bands of wispy waterfalls.

Day 08: Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m.) via Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3700m. 6.00 hours O/N lodge

Climb gently through a river bed then over a steep trail over to the mountain side. The hike from Bagar to Machhapuchhre Base Camp is somewhat strenuous. From Machhapuchhre base camp we get excellent views of the majestic Machhapuchhre along with Mt. Hiunchuli, Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Annapurna III, Gandharvachuli and Gangapurna which is certainly a rewarding experience. The vegetation disappears on our way to ABC and the path widens as we enter the Annapurna sanctuary. From here, we get sensational views of the near-vertical south face of Annapurna towering above us. The sanctuary boasts of a dynamic view without anything impeding the 360-degree panorama. From the base camp we again get to savor mesmerizing views of the Machhapuchhre, Annapurna south, Annapurna I, Hiunchuli and other peaks.

Day 09: Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo 7.00 hours O/N lodge

From the Annapurna base camp we retrace our steps to Bamboo. Today’s trek is downhill so it shouldn’t be very difficult. Besides, we will always have the company of the extraordinary landscape to cheer us up.

Day 10: Bamboo to Jhinu Danda (1760m.) 5.30 hours O/N lodge

From Bamboo, it is an uphill trek to Kuldighar followed by a downhill walk to Chhomrong Khola. Then we climb the stone steps to Chhomrong. The trail then descends to Jhinu Danda, where we will be resting for the night. Today we will have an opportunity to enjoy hot springs just 15-20 minute downhill walk from Jhinu Danda to soothe our aching body.

Day 11: Trek to Naya Pul then drive to Pokhara 6 hours trek, 1 hour drive O/N hotel

On our way to NayaPul from JhinuDanda we get to enjoy the amazing hill landscape of western Nepal. We have lunch on the way. Our trek will end at NayaPul in general then drive to Pokhara.

*We may take any type of transportation to NayaPul if available.

Day 12: After breakfast fly or drive to Kathmandu O/N hotel (B D)

Once arrive to Kathmandu it is free and easy for shopping and any personal matters. Evening farewell dinner.

Day 13: After breakfast officially conclude the trip and transfer to airport for final departure (B)

Cost for the above mentioned trip is listed below based one the mode of transportation and other service specially included and exclude of meal and hot water. Please find below the table.

Deluxe Plan

Mode of transport to Pokhara

2 stars hotel

3/4 stars

Both way car/van/Haice

USD 932.00

USD 993.00

1 way road/ 1 way flight

USD 1017.00

USD 1078.00

Both way flight

USD 1102.00

USD 1163.00

Cost include:

Cost exclude:

#  All transport as per programs by  private drive or flight 
#  Lodge accommodation in trekking twin sharing

#  Hotel in Kathmandu & Pokhara with breakfast twin sharing
#  Welcome and farewell dinner with  beer or glass of wine

# 3 meals in trekking (B, L & D) with cup of tea/coffee

#  Drinking hot water
#  Guide, porters (Luggage mix. 13 kg per person 1 porter share by 2 person)
#  Sleeping bag, and luggage bag  (Return after the trip)

# Company T-shirts on the arrival day

# Certificate after trip complete & shawl or Nepali cap as a memory
# Conservation fee & Tims card fee
#  All local permit, tax and VAT
#  Staffs meals, lodge, equipment, insurance, Salary etc.
#  First aid service
#  Any other travel assistance

# International flight & visa fee

# Travel Insurance

#  Dinner day 11 & Lunch day 12
#  Any personal items
#  Hot shower in trekking
#  Tips
#  In case of rescue charge 

B = Breakfast L = Lunch D = Dinner O/N = Over night

Note: Please let us know if you wish to stay more budget than 2 stars or upgrade it to 5 stars in Kathmandu and Pokhara. In addition wish to make the trip 12 days by fly back on evening of day 12 is possible.


Spectrum of the Seas Cruise by Royal Caribbean International 4D3N 2023 + Port Charges + Gratuity Fee + KL-SG Transport + 72 Hours Wifi Twin Bed Cabin ( Twin Sharing ) RM 1888 / Pax

Booking Date : 1 Jan 2023 - 31 June 2023
Travel Date : 24 April 2023 - 16 December 2023
24/4 ,01/05, 22/5, 29/5, 5/6, 26/6 ,3/7 ,10/7 ,17/7 ,24/7 ,28/8 ,18/9 ,25/9 ,9/10 ,2/10 ,16/10 ,23/10 ,30/10 ,6/11 ,13/11 ,20/11 ,27/11 ,4/12 ,16/12

4D3N Package Singapore - Penang - Cruising - Singapore


Singapore, Singapore Departs at 4:30 PM
Penang, Malaysia From 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Cruising Day at sea
Singapore, Singapore Arrives at 7:00 AM

Included :
- 4Days 3Night Twin Share Cabin For 2 pax .( King size or twin bed base on availability. )
- FREE transfer from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore ( 0430AM from CitizenM Kuala Lumpur Hotel ) ( 1130AM from Marina Bay Cruise Centre )
- 3 Nights (72 Hours) Wifi Usage
- Port Charge & Gratuties ( RM550 per pax , RM1100 for 2pax )

1. 50% deposit is required upon booking. An confirmation letter will sent to your email within 48hours or 2 working days .
2. Balance payment require 100 day prior to sailing. Any cancellation within 90 days are non-refundable .
3. If the quota of the promotional rate is full, our booking agent will serve the 2nd best available offer.
4. Price list base on twin share cabin only.
5. Pregnant above 24 weeks & Infants below 6 months at the time of sailing are not allowed to cruise; A passenger under 21years of age must be accompanied in the same cabin by a passenger 21yrs or older.
6. All guests above the age of 12 (13 years and older) have to be fully vaccinated.


Japan Tokyo + Osaka+ Kyoto 7D5N 1-7 Sept 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 8510/ Pax


Assemble at the airport for check-in and board the flight to Japan

- Asakusa : The oldest temple in Tokyo. A downtown with Senso-ji Temple and Nakamise Street.
- Tokyo Skytree : is a must-visit attraction for free travelers in Tokyo

- Tokyo Disney Land (8.30am depart from hotel / 7.00pm return from Disneyland)

- Gotemba Peace Park : An excellent location to appreciate the scenic view of Mount Fuji.
- Owakudani (Kurotamagokan) :Was the final stage of the volcanic activity in Hakone approximately 4,000 years ago.
- Lake Ashinoko Cruise : The scenery of Hakone seen from the lake is truly spectacular
- Please spend a relaxing time at a Japanese hot spring hotel.

- Bullet Train : Experience Japan's high-speed train "Shinkansen". (Toyohashi-Mikawa Anjo or Kyoto-Shin Osaka)
- Arashiyama : Walk through Arashiyama's famous landmark Togetsukyo Bridge and the scenic bamboo grove.
- Fushimi Inari Taisha : Built 1300 years ago. It is the most familiar shrine for Japanese people.

-Osaka Castle : A castle in the center of Osaka built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1583
- Kuromon Market: The streets of Osaka in the Edo period have been restored in full size.
- Dotonbori : It is a downtown area that represents Osaka, lined with restaurants.
- Shinsaibashi : The busiest shopping arcade in Osaka.

- Transfer to Kansai Airport

Est Weather : Summer ( 21-32 degree)

1. Tour commentary will be conducted in Mandarin or Cantonese with simple English translation by Tour Leader.
2. We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior
3. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our final confirmation.
4. Local specialty meals are subject to the season and availability at time of travel.
5. Sight-seeing places are subject to erratic weather conditions caused by global warming climate change.
6. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 25 paying adults and a maximum of 38 paying adults.
7. All pictures shown are for illustration purposed only, actual may varies.
8. A pricing for optional are for reference purposes only and subject to change without any prior notice. Final prices are
to be conhrmedby the tour manager/ leader during the tour.

Free & Easy Trip

Tioman Sea Rascals Private Boat Free & Easy Trip *6 pax accommodation + *Meals + *Activities


-2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 2x dinner.

-Bedding and pillows.

-Day beds & Mats.

-Hammocks & floating mat.

-Towels, shampoo, soap.

-Equipment & guide for snorkeling activities.

-Beach side equipment, games & activities.

-Water trek to Asah Waterfall.

-Greatest gig in the sky: Stargazing from sea.

-Life jacket.

- Fridge/Cooler box usage.

-First aid certified crew.

Certified captain.


Excluded :

-Canned drinks, bottled drinks and spirits.

-Accommodation & transport before & after the trip.

-Ferry fee from mainland to Tioman.

-Transfer to/from Mersing jetty.

-Pick up/drop off is limited to west coast of Tioman Island ( KG Tekek, Genting, Paya )

-Marine park fees ( RM5 per pax )

Remarks : Min 2 weeks advance booking required. No refund no cancellation.

Trip itinerary changes may vary due to weather conditions.

Trip may be postponed due to bad weather.



  • ONE way land transfer and return(SIC basis) – Tawau Airport/Hotel In Tawau to KAPALAI private jetty at Semporna – 80 minutes 
  • ONE way boat transfer and return(SIC basis) – KAPALAI private jetty at Semporna to KAPALAI Resort – 45 minutes 
  • Accommodation at Sipadan-KAPALAI Dive Resort 
  • Fresh ​Buffet Meals​ – breakfast/lunch/dinner throughout the stay 
  • Afternoon snacks – served at the restaurant daily 
  • Tea/Coffee, cold water and cordial – served throughout the day at the restaurant daily 
  • Snorkel around the resort – from KAPALAI Dive Centre only 

Semporna Aloha Snorkeling Mataking / TimbaTimba/Mabul Package 4D3N + Stay (Twin Sharing)

Included :

  • Tawau Airport Transfer (Return)
  • Pickup On Time
  • Check-In Seaview Container Hotel (Air-Con Accommodation)
  • Deluxe Room With Balcony
  • Snorkeling Trip to Mataking / Timba-Timba/Mabul Island
  • Equipment Life Jacket
  • Refreshments on boat (Lunch)

Exclude :

  • Breakfast /Lunch / Dinner

Semporna Aloha Snorkeling Mataking / TimbaTimba/Mabul Package 5D4N + Stay (Twin Sharing)

Included :

  • Tawau Airport Transfer (Return)
  • Pickup On Time
  • Check-In Seaview Container Hotel (Air-Con Accommodation)
  • Deluxe Room With Balcony
  • Snorkeling Trip to Mataking / Timba-Timba/Mabul Island
  • Equipment Life Jacket
  • Refreshments on boat (Lunch)

Exclude :

  • Breakfast /Lunch / Dinner
Travel Trip

What’s included
· Scheduled return land transfer from Tawau airport to Semporna jetty.

· Scheduled return boat transfer from Semporna jetty to Mabul Island.

· Luxury Villa room accommodation based on twin/triple sharing with meals.

· 3 sessions of boat snorkeling at Mabul/Kapalai on day 2 (not inclusive of snorkeling equipment)

· Unlimited jetty house reef snorkeling (not inclusive of snorkeling equipment)

Terms & Conditions
· Travelling period: Before 30 Sep 2023.

· Minimum 2 adults to go.

· For Malaysian residents only (non-MyKad holder will be subject to additional fees).

· Tourism tax at RM 10.00 per room per night (applicable to non-Malaysian).

· For minimum 3 nights stay with minimum 4 pax in a group, 1 day free island hopping tour to Bohey Dulang, Mantabuan and Sibuan island will be offered. Fees apply.

Leisure Trip

What’s included
· Scheduled return land transfer from Tawau airport to Semporna jetty.

Scheduled return boat transfer from Semporna jetty to Mabul island.
Luxury Villa room accommodation based on twin/triple sharing with meals.

· Pay only RM 100.00 + 6% SST = RM 106.00 for 1 child below 12 years old. 2nd child 50% off from the adult rate.

· Free use of snorkeling gears and free use of kayak (30 minutes).