Vietnam Hanoi + Fansipan Sapa 5D4N 2023 4*Hotel Tour + FullBoard Meal + Flight Return [ Twin Sharing ] RM 2499/ Pax
第1天 吉隆坡 河内 机上用餐/午/晚 4*孟清河内中心酒店或同级
河内大剧院 / 河内36古街 / 越南水上木偶戏
河内大剧院 - 坐落在河内市中心的河内大剧院不仅是一座美丽的 法式建筑,也是著名的景点,曾见证了越南多项重大事件。 河 内36古街 - 这里是越南最热门的商业街,街道错综复杂,每条街 的东西都是“各司其职”,基本只卖同一行业品种的商品,比如 鞋商街、帽商街、银商街、皮革街、炊具街等等。
4*Muong Thanh Center Hotel or similar French Opera House / Old Quarter 36 Street / Water Puppet Show
French Opera House - Located in the center of Hanoi, Hanoi Opera House is not only a beautiful French building, but also a famous attraction in Vietnam.
Old Quater 36 Street - This is the most popular commercial street in Vietnam. The streets are intricate and the things on each street are "performing their own duties".
DAY 2 HANOI - SAPA B/L/D 4*Amazing Hotel or similar
Cat Cat Village / Shin Chai Village / Cat Cat Waterfall
Cat Cat Village - Is located in a valley not far from Sapa Town, where the original preserved Black Miao Village and far awayfrom the hustle and bustle of the city, and very quiet.
Shin Chai Village - Admire the natural landscape of Sapa at the terraced fields of Shin Chai Village. Admire the natural wonders that create the cascading hills.
第2天 河内-沙坝
早/午/晚 4*萨帕奇妙酒店或同级
沙坝猫猫村 / Shin Chai Village / 沙坝猫猫瀑布
沙坝猫猫村 - 猫猫村位于距离沙巴镇不远的山谷中,这里保存了 原生态的高山黑苗族村落,远离了城市的喧嚣,很宁静。
Shin Chai Village - 在Shin Chai村的梯田欣赏沙坝的自然景观。欣赏 创造层叠山丘的自然奇观,并在享受该地区的美景。
第3天 沙坝-番西邦-沙坝 早/午/晚 4*萨帕奇妙酒店或同级
番西邦风景区 (大佛像/观音像/含登山缆车到番西邦山顶)/ 涵 龙山 / Lao Chai & Ta Van Village
番西邦风景区 - 最高峰海拔3143米,为黄连山脉主峰。山顶昼 夜温差极大,冬季夜晚气温降至0°C以下,会有降雪。 涵龙山 - 山上终年被绿色植被覆盖并精心培育着多种五彩缤纷 的花卉,还有充满趣味的人工景观和民俗表演等。
SAPA - FANSIPAN - SAPA B/L/D 4*Amazing Hotel or similar
Fansipan Scenic Area ( Buddha Statue/ Guanyin Statue / inc cable car to the top of Fansipan) / Ham Rong Mt / Lao Chai & Ta Van Village
Fansipan Scenic Area - The highest peak is 3143 meters above sea level, which is the main peak of Huanglian Mountains. In winter, temperature around 0°C at night, and will be snowfall.
Ham Rong Mt - The mountain is covered with green vegetation all year round, variety of colorful flowers and interesting artificial landscapes and folk performances.
第4天 沙坝-河内
早/午/晚 4*孟清河内中心酒店或同级
DAY 4 SAPA-HANOI B/L/D 4*Muong Thanh Center Hotel or similar
云龙玻璃桥 / 云龙玻璃栈道 / 巴亭广场 / 胡志明陵墓 / 独柱寺
/ 文庙 / 越南民族学博物馆 / 河内西湖
云龙玻璃桥 - 云龙玻璃桥从山崖向外延伸60 米,人行道宽5 米 ;桥的面板厚度为7 厘米,是用特殊树脂将3 层平板玻璃。 胡志明陵墓 - 胡志明陵位于河内的天安门广场主体位置,胡志明 在这里宣读了“独立宣言”,建立了越南民主共和国。 河内西湖 - 西湖面积500多公顷,是河内最大的湖泊。
第5天 河内 吉隆坡 早/机上用餐 早餐后,自由活动后前往国际机场,返回美丽家园,谢谢您!
Yun Long Glass Bridge / Yun Long Glass Road / Ho Chi Minh Mauso- leum / One Pillar Pagoda / Temple of Literature / Vietnam Museum of Ethnology / Hanoi West Lake
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum - Is located in the main location of Tiananmen Square in Hanoi" .
Yun Long Glass Bridge - The Yunlong Glass Bridge extends 60meters from the cliff, and the sidewalk is 5 meters wide.
Hanoi West Lake - The West Lake covers an area of 500 hectares and is the largest lake in Hanoi.
DAY 5 HANOI KUALA LUMPUR B/MOB After breakfast, Return to the beautiful home, Thank You!
Tour prices include:
- Hotel in twin/triple sharing room basis with daily breakfast
- Transfer by air-conditioned vehicle as itinerary
- 8 Meals as indicated (set menu based on menu 7usd/pax, offer 1 buffet meal)
- English or Mandarin speaking guide
- Complimentary mineral water on tour
- Entrance fees for sightseeing, boat trips as mentioned Tour prices exclude:
Tippings, personal Expenses & other item not mentioned above Tour prices exclude:
- Travel Insurance
- Personal expenses
- Compulsory Tipping 3usd/pax/day (16pax up)
- Others not mentioned nor specified above